In class Friday, we got into our project groups and was told to choose a photo that we believe our group represented. The following images reflect that of what the IOB group believe we are at the moment.
These first two images represent a wholeness of the group. The two that chose these two images believes that the group is together the way a group is suppose to be. Well balanced and supporting each other was also stated, from the second photo.

These next two photos represent a struggle within the group, whether it's with one another or from outer force, we're still able to maintain the composure necessary to keep going and help each other out in tough times. We might have different opinions at times but everyone continues to work hard for the end goal - together.

The next two shows a similarity in what the two people that chose these said. They believe that the groups dynamic is based upon 3 main group leaders and the rest of the groups members are following them and supporting them.

The last two shows that we're not quite 100% together within the group, but we're working on it. The path that these two shows, if things works out the way it's suppose to, then the puzzle will be fully complete and we'll be as one, while the path of the trees leads to one point in the destination, our main goal for this project.