I chose the following 3 images from my sketch book because it had different qualities about them. The first one, the bottle drawing, it was the closest shape that I was able to resemble to the actual one. Maybe the sunlight area could have been a bit better but overall it was the better bottle drawing in my sketch book.
The second one was my wood project drawing. the line and angles were carefully drawn, something I usually don't do often, as I'm mostly just doing a gesture drawings of things instead. It was unfinished, an in-class assignment so the time was cut short.
The last one I chose was a gesture drawing of leafs around my cubicle. I pick this one instead of the other leaf drawings because the lines and shading was much better than the other ones. It looks more like a gesture drawing.

Alex's Self-Portrait:
I chose this image because it was her most recent work. I could tell she was getting better with her image drawing as the figure was becoming more resemblance to her own figure. Keep up the good work, Alex!

Adrienna's Shadow Scissor Drawing:
This one stand out the most to me because of the shadow shading that actually formed up the scissor outline. The lighting details attached to this image was very well created. I just enjoy looking at it. Awesome work, Adrienna!